Placement Office

The industry of food and beverage “La Hotelera”!

The Placement office assists the student in the search for employment related to their area of studies. This office guides students to develop the basic skills necessary to successfully position themselves in the competitive world of work. Participation in this program does not mean that the institution guarantees employment for its students and graduates. The office refers students to interviews as vacancies emerge in private industry and hospitality.

Dear Graduate:

After completing your program of studies at the Escuela Hotelera de San Juan, we hope you have had the opportunity to put into practice all the knowledge acquired in real work scenarios. If you have already graduated from the Hotelera, contact us at 787-759-7599 or 787-806-4200 to share about your experiences in the industry.

Remember that in the Placement Office we are here to help you!

Contact us:

(787) 759-7599 - Placements Office